08 October 2008

when i'm supposed to study..

The one hoodie i love.Problem is, i dunno if it's fake?? I"m a pig. No doubt. HEHe.Ok let's get going. I skipped school today with the rest of the gang(Sab, Shareen, Chicken, &d.l.f.) Had the science book in hand and read the papers. Then i came to a page called 'Virtual Shopping". Just for shopaholics. Ehem, self confessed. And then i checked the blogs out and, *winks* the things were really cool. But i don't know if I'll end up actually buying those things,they're brandless!*cough* Well, technically. It's not wht you'll see in Pavilion or the Gardens. Hah. So for those girlies out there who want to e-shop on clothes which are EXTREMELY AFFORDABLE, I say go ahead.;) The sites are: this is not an advertorial,mind you. It's just what lazy pigs do 1 week before exams.