10 June 2008

Thanks for understanding me so much

Pri..feeling so down today..i also dun know whether i can help her or not! even though she was smiling and laughing, i could see her heart breaking away! :( Pri..if i give you advice..i would but i dun think it would be the right advice to give u. Seeing your letter make me realise that you are seriously in love with him! But then, how can you still be in love?? While i moved from one to another! I think i can only advice you this..if you dun wanna leave him..then dun, but if one day you decided you want to let go..then you should without looking back! thats the time, not only me..will be by your side!But if you want to mend your heart..i suggest eating Baskin Robbins' Chocolate Cackle Cookie and listening to will.i.am new song, heartbreaker! Hope it works!;) p:s/ Sab, shit i can't believe i'm tearing up again. hehe. I couldn't ask for more, really. =) I love choc. cackle cookies :( I'm really silly aye? and dear, just being there for me helped alot. Love y'all loads. take care & don't worry abt me. I'll manage. =]