Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

21 December 2008

Party and lalalas!

The gang. So good to be back again!
Sharanya and Sabrina, the drunk, hot b**ch i <3>The only pictures from the party. (i know)
"I'm trying to do math, silly." Natasha and her ego=.=
Anyway, this uploading thing is nonsense. the connection is down. so HELL!

12 December 2008

i'm so,very happy.

I miss Mum. Like hell.

I miss Sab Loads.
I miss everyone i know, those who i haven't seen in a while.
I miss the ones i hated too. *wink* Just back from staying with aunt. It was cool, hanging out with the kids and stuff. I didn't study though. Cuz i thought, "why even bother?" hehe. Now i'm getting abit restless in terms of fashion. I don't wear what i used to wear earlier, now. I'm all like.. err grown up, i s'ppose. Maybe sab you're right, i'm mature=p But then i'm still really, a kid. i watch jojo circus. anyway, this's just an update. ps:/ Sab> panggil saya/call me!! pss:/Melissa, didn't blog cuz i wasn't home. bro says he saw you at Lm. tk care all.

07 December 2008


Mum and gramma left this morning. Hmmph. I thought I'd be happy. Well, at least relieved tht there wont be anymore nags.

I guess It's not so easy. She'll only be there for a week though. Be back next Sunday. I want her back now!! =( Anyway. i still have to survive the week;) Sab'll help me. She'll go shopping with me. And the rest is yet to expect. GRR.

28 November 2008

bla bla bla.

I am young, naive and narcissistic. Forget it.
Mum and gramma are leaving for India on Sunday. They were supposed to get tickets rescheduled, leave it to MAS.
I on the other hand, will be at home with egomaniac brother and Dad. Mum says now we can 'explore' how's life like without her around. =.= I mean, yeah we'd miss her food and her spoiling but Daddy spoils more!=)
Sab we're going to pav or gardens,aren't we? Ok maybe just Pav. Can we go on Sunday? Why the heck am i doing this, you're just a bloody phone call away!? heh. Anyway.I thought we'll go watch twilight? the book is interesting la. Movie? you tell me.

27 October 2008


Hi. Today's a very busy day for us. Alot of running arounds, screaming, eating, blurp-whacking(by yours truly Natasha) and getting silly=) Actually, it's not that bad. with blurp-whacking around. Haha. I just LOVE that word. Blurp whacking. Only got a few mins to spare as we are DEAD tired and we need to DIE for a while. phew. I mean 'we' as in, the kids and I. Tonight there will be alot of fire-cracking-but-bursting-mouth-tickling pattas! Sorry, "pattas" is a sort of cute-funny language for the word firecrackers and works. Then the pictures would be out by tonight. Obviously, we'd have taken pictures of the chaos we're abt to cause around the neighbourhood. Muhahaha-oh no-Nat gave one of her loudest- BURPs! ew. nat, back off!! ;) Anyway. Happy deepavali to one and all. Take care guys. Oh and, exPMRers, i noe you must be like, THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT HAPPY, so pursue it. ;) ps:/ Sab! happy d'wali! Oh, and when are we going for HSm3? Serene said she's going 2mrw so if you wanna go then lemme noe! Loadsa love, your bitch.

17 October 2008

so happy,yet so not.

I'm free at last. Get to do whatever i like, mum says. Does that include stripping?! My dear sis is leaving for KTJ by the weekend. Already missing her. Man, everything's so fast.

Niva's turning 15 2mrw. Great all of them are getting older. Hah. Look who's talking.
Geo was alright laa. It didn't stink that bad, mind you. Except i didn't do much on my part(studying,tht is) so we'll just have to wait and see. I hope it's straight A's though. =]
I'm begining to guess abt who'll score straight for PMR. ruxyn, Beatrix, Dear, Meighalah,Benji and all those super-duper geniuses. (geniuses-funny).
Anyway.To all PMRers, Go blast thongs out, right? TO SPMers, blast your heads out!
ps:/ Dear, It wont be the same. It will never.

18 September 2008


Urgh. Don't feel so good.. Stupid flu and blocked nose. Aiyaa. If i get sick during exam, can i like, not sit for it, and like laze on the bed?? Drat. Not gonna happen. Not happy at all today. so geram. Haiz. i'm gonna be dead soon. Bbye ya'll.